ORAL HISTORY: Florence Tyler – Life on Hellman Ranch
interviewed by Libby Appelgate. July 14, 1993
July 14, 1993
Oral History told by Florence Tyler, wife of Hubert Tyler who worked as a head foreman on the Hellman Ranch … Read the rest
interviewed by Libby Appelgate. July 14, 1993
July 14, 1993
Oral History told by Florence Tyler, wife of Hubert Tyler who worked as a head foreman on the Hellman Ranch … Read the rest
Lloyd Murray
July 7, 1992
Lloyd: Now, where do you start? The first man came to Seal Beach about ten thousand years ago. Do you want to start there?
Libby: … Read the rest
By Alan Harbour
I started working at the Stangeland’s Umbrella Stand in the summer of 1950. I was 11 years old, but would be 12 in July. I was probably … Read the rest
This was originally written in 2011 for a Rossmoor website, but it has some information pertinent to Seal Beach.
You’d have to be a hermit or living in the Bin … Read the rest
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Probably no incident irritates Rossmoor residents more than the annexation of the Rossmoor Shopping Center by the City of Seal Beach. “If we only had those sales tax … Read the rest