The Seal Beach Historical Society and Red Car Museum disbanded in 2021 and removed all items that had previously been donated or acquired. In…

1933 Earthquake in Seal Beach
William Taylor – Oral History – interviewed by Libby Appelgate William Taylor was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1918. In 1924 his father brought…

Seal Beach Police Officer Pat Sullivan
Seal Beach Police Officer Sergeant Pat Sullivan was interviewed by Libby Appelgate for the 90th Founders Day celebration in 2005. Her articles were…

Libby Applegate: A teacher of living history:
This story ran in the Sun on February 2, 2018. Although uncredited, we suspect it was one of Elizabeth Kane’s many local profiles…
THEN AND NOW: 223/225 Main St — Peppermint Playhouse & Nicks
223 and 225 Main Street has been a happening place in Seal Beach for decades. In the 1960s it was best known…
SBHR Foundation Scores 11 years of old Seal Beach newspapers; to digitize and index them
By Larry Strawther One of our first goals for the Historic Resources Foundation was to acquire and make available to the community digitized copies of…
Old issues of SB Surf & Sun and Mariner available at SBHRF
One of the goals of the SBHRF is to provide a home for old Seal Beach newspapers, and them to digitize them and make…
TIME CAPSULE: Past Seal Beach Events during the Month of May
With Summer unofficially kicking off with the Memorial Day weekend, the month of May has always been a happening time for Seal Beach. …
SBHRF Hosts “Sunday in the Park With The Red Car” Event
The iconic Seal Beach Red Car formally started a new chapter in its storied history on April 23 with the official transfer of the…