Share Your History!

What is a Historic Account?

The mission of the Seal Beach Historic Resources Foundation is to locate, collect ,organize, preserve, and share articles and documents that record and celebrate the history and spirit of Seal Beach. A Historic account can be any letters, any old newspaper articles, brochures, photos, postcards, an old menu from the Glider Inn (or Jewel Cafe, the Garden of Allah, etc.), old matchbooks, ashrays, or even old newsletters from the previous historical society.

How do I share my historic accounts?

Ideally, scan it in highest resolution possible (minimum 300 dpi) and then upload it and send it to us through the form below.  If you do not have a scanner, you can take a good quality photo of it with most smart phones — some even have scan settings. Include in the description, exactly what the item is, (e.g., a photo of my parents John and Mary Smith on the SB Pier on their honeymoon), the date or approximate date of its origination.  And remember to leave your contact information (email and phone).

What will you do with it?

First of all, we want to collect and organize the documents in a way that they will be available to foundation members, and researchers.   — so the information and data is not lost.  For those items that you may wish to give us — or even lend us — we are working on obtaining a storage area that will withstand the weather and other elements.  But we also know that due to past experiences with other organizations, we have to earn your confidence and show that we will be good stewards of the history of this community.

Beyond that we want to share the information, articles and other documents we receive – rotating displays and exhibitions, newsletters, website.  And we want to organize it and present it in a way that is informative and interesting.

Where does it come from?

Look in your stored away boxes, your family Bibles. Contact your siblings who may have gotten this photo or that when you split up  of your parents or grandparents belongings.  That old photo of the Alamitos Bay Pier off 5th and Central, or the Boathouse at Anaheim Landing – that may still be packed away in the garage you’ve been meaning to clean out.

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